Health & Safety Policy

At Splash and Swim our priority is to ensure that your swimming lesson is fun and safe. We have created the following policy to help us keep you and your children and our staff safe whilst undertaking swimming lessons at Splash and Swim.
Our Health and Safety General Statements are:
- To ensure that all our lessons are as safe as they can be and ensure that all our customers are protected.
- To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities
- To consult with all our staff on matters affecting their health and safety
- To provide and maintain safe equipment
- To provide information and instruction for all our teaching staff
- To ensure that all our staff are competent to do the tasks they have been asked to do and ensure training is given where necessary
- To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
- To maintain safe and healthy working conditions
- To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals
Overall responsibility for Health and Safety is the owner of Splash and Swim, however all our staff on a day to day basis takes responsibility for themselves when in the pool environment. As we privately hire swimming pools we follow both their Health and Safety policies and our own as follows.
- All Staff must adhere to the Emergency Action Plan and Normal Operating Procedures as set out by the Pool where they are working.
- Staff must not interfere with anything provided which has been put in to safeguard their safety.
- Staff must report all health and safety concerns to the owner of Splash and Swim immediately.
- Staff must take care of their own health and safety as well as the children in their care during their swimming lessons.
- Whilst children are waiting for their lessons to begin and in the changing rooms’ parents take full responsibility for the health and safety of their children.
Health and safety risks
As with all swimming pool environments risk assessments are undertaken and reviewed at regular intervals. These are carried out by the owners of the pools whom we hire from and also separately by Splash and Swim. Should an incident occur whilst we are using their facilities then an accident report would be made and a copy will be provided to the venue owner and then any necessary action will be taken.
Safe Plant and Equipment
Splash and Swim hire private swimming pools to carry out their business. The plant and equipment belong to the pools we use, they maintain the plant and equipment themselves and if any plant or equipment is faulty or deemed unsafe then the facility is closed and we are unable to use it again until it has been deemed fit to reopen.
Competency for Tasks and Training
Splash and Swim explains to all its staff that they must adhere to the health and safety rules at the pool they have been designated to work. All swimming teachers are at least trained to the STA rescue award and must renew it every 2 years. Swimming teachers working for Splash and Swim are either Level 1 teachers or Level 2 swimming teachers. Any training identified will be provided.
Accidents, First Aid and Work-related Ill health
Should an accident occur it is recorded in the accident book. All staff have received first aid training and the health and welfare of Splash and Swim staff is of paramount importance.
All our staff monitor health and safety whilst carrying out their duties. In the water environment that Splash and Swim works in, health and safety needs to be second to none to ensure that nothing can go wrong. This policy and its procedures will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains fit for purpose and reflects the type of health and safety issues which may arise and how those risks are managed.
Sarah Miller
Splash and Swim
March 2020
Safe, enjoyable and inclusive
Splash and Swim is a safe, enjoyable and inclusive environment for all children.

Safeguarding is everyone's business
If you are worried about a child or a young person at Splash and Swim report it, remember safeguarding is everyone's business.

Great Staff
Fun facts about Splash and Swim
Fun facts and random statistical facts from Splash and Swim